Mountain Utility Company

Water & Sewer Services

Schweitzer Utility Company is pleased to provide water, sewer as well as road plowing and maintenance to local residents on the mountain.


MUC personnel and contact information:

Utility Company President:
Tom Trulock 
Office: (Direct) 208-255-3046, (Int. ext.) 2231
Cell: 208.290.2614

Administrative Assistant / Accounting:
Office: (Direct) 208-255-3042, (Int. ext.) 2217

Roads Manager:
Tim Ward
Shop Office (Int. ext.) 2235
Cell: 208.290.5914

Utilities Operators:
Bob Lesniewski – Operations Supervisor
Office: (Direct) 208-255-3045, (Int. ext.) 2261
Cell: 208.610.4973

Rich Glover: Day Lodge Office (Int. ext.) 2342
Brent Ollerton: Day Lodge Office (Int. ext.) 2342
Jeff Taylor: Day Lodge Office (Int. ext.) 2342
Elliot Flemmons: Day Lodge Office (Int. ext.) 2342

If you are experiencing a problem with our water or sewer service, please contact us.  If we’re not aware, we can’t fix it!  The best way to contact us with a service problem or for information is to use the following email address: .  This email is checked daily by our staff and ensures a timely response to your issue.

Thank you for allowing us to serve you!



Schweitzer Utility Company LLC (DBA Mountain Utility Company or MUC) is pleased to provide water and sewer services to the community as well as snow removal service for the Resort and members of the Schweitzer Community.

The MUC drinking water system (Resort Water Company Inc. or RWC) is one of three water companies serving the Schweitzer Community.  RWC serves Schweitzer Mountain Resort and Village as well as the Crystal Springs subdivision, The Ridge, and residences on Northwest Passage down to the Schweitzer Vehicle Maintenance Shop.  We also provide water to the Sky House on top of the mountain.

The water system is supplied by three ground water wells located near the Terrain Park that pump to one of three reservoirs for treatment before distribution.  Total storage capacity is 300,000 gallons.  Water is also pumped from the treatment reservoir to the Sky House (1225 vertical feet).  An intermediate booster station is utilized to achieve this.  There is a 19,000 gallon storage reservoir at Sky House that supplies drinking water and fire protection for the building.  


MUC provides sewer service to the entire Schweitzer Community.  There are no other sewer service providers.  Waste water is collected and stored in two lagoons totaling 12 million gallons of storage where it undergoes preliminary aeration treatment before being distributed to drip irrigation areas on 63 forested acres of land.  This is the largest system of its kind in the state.


Primarily a winter snow removal function, we maintain Schweitzer Mountain’s parking lots and travel routes as well as some residences in the community.  Schweitzer Mountain Road is maintained by the Independent Highway District.  The side (or sub) road snow removal is provided by private contractor retained by the Selkirk Recreation District which is a taxing district in the Schweitzer Community whose mandate is providing additional recreational opportunities and access.

We do pay attention to the drainage systems in the community as well as road damage issues so if you spot a problem feel free to contact us and we’ll address the issue first hand or engage the appropriate entity to respond.


Name *

Building Name *

Building Address & Unit # *

E-Mail Address *

Contact Phone Number *

Describe the Issue You Want to Report: *


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