• Important Phone Numbers

  • Schweitzer Ski Patrol recommends the AirFlare app.
    AirFlare transforms your mobile phone into a safety and rescue beacon. Doing so allows Schweitzer Ski Patrol to find you faster whether your are in or out of cell coverage, hiking, biking or skiing. AirFlare also provides a number of self-help features. For example, it can determine the exact location of a friend or family member with a single push of a button and quickly navigate to them.

    Disclaimer: this app is a great tool to use while skiing, but should not be considered a replacement for an avalanche transceiver.

    Learn more, and try it free for 6 months.
  • WARNING: Be advised that all fencing, pads, poles, signage and other marking devices are in place to inform you and to indicate a potential hazard. These warnings are limited in their ability to protect you from injury. It’s your responsibility to avoid marked objects and areas. Faster skiing means more risk of injury in collisions.
  • WARNING: Be advised that all fencing, pads, poles, signage and other marking devices are in place to inform you and to indicate a potential hazard. These warnings are limited in their ability to protect you from injury. It’s your responsibility to avoid marked objects and areas. Faster skiing means more risk of injury in collisions.
    Be sure to click on the Year-Round Policy tab above for all information including ticket policies, service animals, drone, privacy, and more.

  • Adaptive Ski & Ride Equipment
    Schweitzer allows the use of adaptive devices or other "manually powered mobility aids" designed for use on the ski slopes. This includes ski bikes, mono-skis, bi skis, outriggers, and sit-skis. For those who have disabilities and choose to use ski bikes, we ask that you contact the Ski & Ride Center at (208) 255-3070 prior to your visit to schedule a time to inspect your equipment.
    The use of ski bikes or other adaptive devices by those without adaptive needs is prohibited. Click here for the Adaptive Ski Bike policy.